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'Anolani Standard Poodles


The noble standard poodle... The total package.


We devote our lives to preserving this spectacular breed because of our love for them . We believe the success of our ‘Anolani Poodles starts with us and the standards we set. We take great pride in making sure our puppies start very early grooming and socialization. This ensures that our puppies have the solid foundation they need to live happy and successful lives with their new families.


Health will always be our first priority however, temperament and structure also take high precedence. These reasons cause them to be not only wonderful pets but also fabulous competition prospects.


Our standards have proven success in the AKC show ring and in the grooming competition ring. They present with remarkable quality, showing their impeccable and correct structure. Anolani poodles are also known for their correct and plush coat. Anolani Poodles make perfect competition prospects.


An Anolani pup will fit any family whether you leash them for a walk around the block or a walk around the ring.

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